Online training for experts
UNIDO Knowledge Hub


Our work with the Department for Trade, Investment and Innovation at UNIDO began in 2017 when we were commissioned to digitize their Trade Capacity Building Resource Guide.
We have converted the 4th edition of the Almnach, which used to be 1200+ pages, into an interactive web tool, with user-friendly search and navigation options and a highly complex data structure, while we have done our best to make it as easy to edit as possible.
There was also a knowledge pool for publications and a compact presentation of the department.

And just a year later, we added an online training academy with various online courses and exercises on trading, investing and innovation.
The progress of the participants' knowledge is monitored and successful completion of a course is certified.
In addition, evaluations and statistics are provided for each country, training cycle and department mandate.
In the meantime, even more has changed: the name has changed and the tools - as the name suggests - have been expanded to "The Knowledge Hub".

Not just the name - the entire department has been reorganized. A redesign of the front end in 2020 coincided with the restructuring of the current Directorate for Digitization, Technology and Agriculture and the introduction of two new tools:
- A network of laboratories that provides information on services offered by conformity assessment bodies (CABs) around the world in the field of calibration, testing, certification and inspection.
- A trade rejection analysis tool that provides visual opportunities to examine agricultural product rejection data for major global markets. Imagine that as 1.2 million rows of data (and there are more and more) that you can really understand once they are graphically displayed as country profiles on a world map and with comparison options in the data explorer.