Heads up for CiviCRM: CiviCamp & CiviSprint Leipzig 2023
This September, Rositsa and Thomas participated in the CiviCamp and the CiviSprint in Leipzig and Zeitz. Both events were organized by the association "Software für Engagierte" (Software for the Committed).
Main Topic: Fundraising
The dominant topic of both events was fundraising. The lectures provided us with numerous valuable insights into current best practices and innovations. The presence of many industry experts offered an ideal opportunity for exchange - both with users and with technical implementers.
Networking in the "Noodle"
A special highlight was the location of the CiviSprint: The old pasta factory in Zeitz, affectionately called "Die Nudel" (The Noodle). Here, we were not only able to delve deeper into specific subject areas, but also establish new and interesting contacts within the CiviCRM community.
Focus of the webshapers: CiviBanking
For us, the webshapers, a particular emphasis was on the topic of CiviBanking, which has occupied us intensively over the past year. In light of the challenges and questions that arose during the implementation of our first CiviBanking project, we proposed expanding the existing online documentation. This was positively received, and a working group was formed. The results? Significantly improved documentation, enriched with many annotated practical examples for different use cases.
A Contribution to the Open-Source Community
Our active participation reflects our commitment to the open-source community. We also had the opportunity to submit a patch for a specific issue regarding partial payments in the context of CiviBanking.
In conclusion, we would like to emphasize how valuable these events were for us and how proud we are to be able to contribute to the continuous development of open-source projects. Here are some links and impressions...